Pottery Painting
If you have never been before we suggest choosing the 2 hour option. Please remember that this time includes you selecting your pottery and then sitting and painting it. When booking - Choose Any Staff...
- Pottery Painting 1 & 1/2 hours
Pottery Painting 1 & 1/2 hours
Suitable as a family session with primary school age children....Show details - Me Time Evening Thurs 24 April/15 May/19 June/24 July
Me Time Evening Thurs 24 April/15 May/19 June/24 July
Our adults only evening - cost depends on the pottery you...Show details - Hand / Foot Prints in Clay or Glaze - 30 minutes
Hand / Foot Prints in Clay or Glaze - 30 minutes
This session is for us to help you with hand and foot prints,...Show details
- Group Booking / Hen Party 2 1/2 Hours
Group Booking / Hen Party 2 1/2 Hours
If you are a group larger than four people then we have two...Show details